Friday, May 11, 2012


saice beef in a spicy tomato sauce with potatoes. Oh, and
that grey stuff is also potatoes. Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes.
Lunch is by far the biggest and most important meal in all of Bolivia. Everyday, when I return to the office Maritza will ask, almuerzas? Did you eat lunch (and always implying what did you eat). Usually, I just end up explaining what was in my lunch and then she tells me what it is called. I can never remember when I ask the vendors!  I normally go to the central market for lunch, because there are so many choices and it is so cheap. I have found a favorite place, the woman is very kind and patient while I take my time trying to figure out what in the world I want to eat. The most expensive lunch I have ever bought costs 10 Bolivianos (7 Bolivianos equals 1 USD). This includes the main dish, rice, some sort of vegetable, and of course potatoes. Everyone is Bolivia is all about potatoes. However, even though my lunch is usually a heaping plate of food, literally food is falling off the plate, it isn't even considered a full lunch because I don't eat soup beforehand. One time when I told Maritza that I only had soup she was flabbergasted. Like I said, lunch is the most important meal of the day. I guess you go big or go home.
Another typical Bolivian lunch. This is fried chicken
with a plantain on top.
When I don't go to the market for lunch I will pick up a empanada or a salteña. These may be the tastiest chow in all of Bolivia, particularly the salteñas. I could eat one at every meal and not get sick of them. The only bad thing: they are sold from 7am-noon. They aren't considered lunch, more of a snack. I wish they sold them all day! Since they are so tasty, I have failed to take a photo of one. Next time I get one (probably tomorrow) I will be sure to take out my camera before sinking my teeth into the flaky pastry filled with a variety of savory, juicy, slightly sweet but spicy ingredients (think meat, eggs, olives, raisins, stewed vegetables).

After my main meal, I usually get fruit for dessert since in order to exit the market I need to walk by
Here is half of the papaya I ate today.
all the fruit vendors. I mean, it would be rude if I didn't stop. I didn't expect Sucre to have a wide variety of fruit because the altitude– but there is. Mangoes, pomegranates, pomelos, avocados, papaya, apples, pears, bananas, pineapple, sweetsop, and a new favorite: tuna– cacti fruit! It is all so good. Some days, I just feast on fruit and call that my lunch. Oh, there is also a smoothie section in the market where I can get basically any fruit made into a smoothie. The market= my favorite place.

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